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High Potentials Assessment for a global Pharma major

Image by Bill Oxford

The client is a leading global Fortune 500 company with presence across the globe. The client was looking for a comprehensive Assessment methodology for their leaders as an input to their Organizational Developmental initiatives.


Key Challenge

The challenges faced by the client were:

  • The leaders had to be assessed across as many as 10 competencies

  • The development effort had the highly targeted to the gaps rather than one-size-fits-all.

  • There was no precedence of such a holistic Assessment in the organization


Our Approach

We customized our Immersive Assessment methodology to suit the client’s needs. The key features of the Assessment were:

  • Holistic approach to assess all aspects of the competencies – awareness, application and articulation.

  • Objective and transparent measurement. The methodology provided means to objectively and transparently measure the competencies.

  • Comprehensive Reporting. The reporting for each individual was very comprehensive and in-depth

  • Participant involvement. The Assessments were conducted in such a way that the participants did not feel any inhibitions win opening up and were truly involved through the process.


Effilor's Solution

  • Clearly defined Assessments and Competence gaps that the participants as well as their managers agreed.

  • Provided a clear platform for Development initiatives.

  • Provided a uniform framework for future Assessments

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