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Creating a Learnability Advantage to drive high performance & growth
Organizations are constantly challenged to keep up with the pace of change and keep learning continually. Learnability has become the key competency that will drive growth and organizational performance in the future.
The new Digital age has brought it speed, agility and dynamism that we have not seen before. Not only has it changed the way we do business and how services are delivered and consumed but also has had a huge impact in our 'ways of working'.
To delve deeper into unpacking the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ organizations should embrace and actively drive enhancing learnability across their organization, we reached out to corporate leaders: Krishna Ramaswami – MD - Fulcrum Digital, Prabhakar Bisen – COO – SPi Global Inc. and Harini Sreenivasan – SemcoStyle India

Interview with C K Ranganathan - Leverage culture for growth
Covid-19 has been a catalyst in driving organizations to change their ‘ways of working’ and made it imperative to redesign themselves, to move faster, adapt quickly, learn on-the-go, and embrace change at a speed of sound.
As many organizations are widely embracing remote work options, we are seeing a need for organizations to improve their efforts on employee affinity and customer centricity. This requires a strong culture of collaboration and high accountability.
We sat down with C K Ranganathan, Chairman & Managing Director, CavinKare Pvt Ltd to understand his views on what organizations are doing today from a culture perspective and what they should do to be a leader in the new business paradigm.

How would the Future of Work look like?
Covid19 has been a catalyst in driving organizations to change their ‘ways of working’ and exacerbated the need to redesign themselves, to move faster, adapt quickly, learn on the go, and embrace change at a speed of ‘knots’.
We set out to understand how companies are dealing with this disruptive change not just tactically but more importantly from a cultural stand point. We reached out to executives across various industries to get their perspective.
The Survey has thrown some very interesting and interconnected insights and trends.

Interview with Shiv Shivakumar - What does the future hold
The most important question in every CEO's mind is "what next". The organizations have rarely felt that external global factors can have such a huge impact and they have so little in their control. The current crisis is really testing our very core. Resilience is so important. No planning and strategizing would have prepared the CEOs for this situation. However, the organizations cannot let the situation control our future.
We sat down with Shiv Shivakumar, Group Exec President, Aditya Birla Group to understand his views on how organizations are coping today and what they should do to be a leader in the post-covid era.

CXO Sentiment and Outlook Survey Report for the IT Industry
As Governments across the world prepare stimulus packages to drive demand and help supply side, Businesses are preparing to step into a rather unchartered territory. Most CXOs are putting together plans for post-Covid to ensure survival and growth, with the available data. The most important question in every CXO's mind now is "what next". CXOs have rarely felt that external global factors have such a huge impact and they have so little in their control.
The Survey has thrown some very interesting and inter-connected insights and trends. These insights also corroborate with our own research and the commentary around the world. Some of the key insights include:

How to drive performance culture post COVID 19
The panel debated and answered some of the most pertinent questions that were on everyone’s mind:
What competencies that managers need to develop to enable and manage performance in the #newnormal?
How do we redefine performance parameters and standards?
How does one drive culture in the post covid-19 era?
Are organizations really equipped to accomplish this?
Building Workplace Curiosity

Friday, June 24th 2022 4 pm to 5 pm IST
What better way to end a Friday than some striking pointers that make you look up to Monday !!!
The webinar with Stefaan van Hooydonk on “Building Workplace Curiosity” clarified many things in the 70+ curious minds that participated in the call. Thanks everyone for joining. The hour was well worth it and the insights from Stefaan’s research is very telling.
All in all, a curious evening that kept everyone engaged. For those who wanted to know more on the book referred to in the webinar, please do search for “The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto” on Amazon.
Orchestrating a Learning Transformation

Everyone agrees that Learning is one of the critical success factors for the long-term success of any organization but in the same breath most will also agree that making learning effective and sustainable is one of the key challenges grappling organizations.
Effilor undertook extensive research covering over 50+ organizations to understand the real and persistent challenges that organizations face in making learning effective.
Effilor experts in collaboration with select industry leaders analyzed and deliberated on various ways in which learning can be made more effective in organizations. We put out a detailed report highlighting the key issues and shared some of our insights and experiences that would enable organizations to orchestrate a learning transformation.
In this webinar, we shared the top challenges and discuss on some of the potential options and mindset shifts required to making learning effective and sustainable
Agile Culture Essentials - Hot Shots

Several surveys and studies continue to highlight “culture” as the top challenge for effective Agile implementation
The annual State of Agile reports continue to highlight "culture" as the toughest thing to crack as teams lay more emphasis on process and compliance rather than people, behaviours and delivering value to customers.
Effilor hosted a successful series of Hot Shots on Agile Culture Essentials to help practicing leaders to understand the nuances of culture in helping Agile teams deliver better outcomes.
Participants from across India joined the sessions which covered the following topics:
What’s the role of a Manager in an Agile Team
How NOT to manage Agile teams
How do we turn teams upside down !!
Can ownership be improved in a structured way?
Building decision making ability in your teams
Blue Ocean journey and experiences of citizenM Hotels

“If there ever were a red ocean,” observes Michael Levie, co-founder of CitizenM Hotels, “the hotel industry would be it. It’s redder than red.”
citizenM Hotels had two choices, either to compete like everyone else or to do something completely different to make the competition irrelevant and operate in an uncontested markets.
They took the 2nd path. They used the Blue Ocean Strategy tools and techniques to open up a new value-cost frontier of affordable luxury for frequent travelers. After opening their 1st hotel in 2008, they now 24 hotels worldwide with 22 more coming up soon.
A select set of about 80 participants had an opportunity to have a conversation with Michael Levie to understand their experience and journey of creating a successful chain using the Blue Ocean Strategy/Shift.
Creating a Learnability Advantage to drive high performance & growth

Organizations are constantly challenged to keep up with the pace of change and keep learning continually. Learnability has become the key competency that will drive growth and organizational performance in the future.
The new Digital age has brought it speed, agility and dynamism that we have not seen before. Not only has it changed the way we do business and how services are delivered and consumed but also has had a huge impact in our 'ways of working'.
To delve deeper into unpacking the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ organizations should embrace and actively drive enhancing learnability across their organization, we reached out to corporate leaders: Krishna Ramaswami – MD - Fulcrum Digital, Prabhakar Bisen – COO – SPi Global Inc. and Harini Sreenivasan – SemcoStyle India
Interview with C K Ranganathan - Leverage culture for growth

Covid-19 has been a catalyst in driving organizations to change their ‘ways of working’ and made it imperative to redesign themselves, to move faster, adapt quickly, learn on-the-go, and embrace change at a speed of sound.
As many organizations are widely embracing remote work options, we are seeing a need for organizations to improve their efforts on employee affinity and customer centricity. This requires a strong culture of collaboration and high accountability.
We sat down with C K Ranganathan, Chairman & Managing Director, CavinKare Pvt Ltd to understand his views on what organizations are doing today from a culture perspective and what they should do to be a leader in the new business paradigm.
How would the Future of Work look like?

Covid19 has been a catalyst in driving organizations to change their ‘ways of working’ and exacerbated the need to redesign themselves, to move faster, adapt quickly, learn on the go, and embrace change at a speed of ‘knots’.
We set out to understand how companies are dealing with this disruptive change not just tactically but more importantly from a cultural stand point. We reached out to executives across various industries to get their perspective.
The Survey has thrown some very interesting and interconnected insights and trends.
Interview with Shiv Shivakumar - What does the future hold

The most important question in every CEO's mind is "what next". The organizations have rarely felt that external global factors can have such a huge impact and they have so little in their control. The current crisis is really testing our very core. Resilience is so important. No planning and strategizing would have prepared the CEOs for this situation. However, the organizations cannot let the situation control our future.
We sat down with Shiv Shivakumar, Group Exec President, Aditya Birla Group to understand his views on how organizations are coping today and what they should do to be a leader in the post-covid era.
CXO Sentiment and Outlook Survey Report for the IT Industry

As Governments across the world prepare stimulus packages to drive demand and help supply side, Businesses are preparing to step into a rather unchartered territory. Most CXOs are putting together plans for post-Covid to ensure survival and growth, with the available data. The most important question in every CXO's mind now is "what next". CXOs have rarely felt that external global factors have such a huge impact and they have so little in their control.
The Survey has thrown some very interesting and inter-connected insights and trends. These insights also corroborate with our own research and the commentary around the world. Some of the key insights include:
How to drive performance culture post COVID 19

The panel debated and answered some of the most pertinent questions that were on everyone’s mind:
What competencies that managers need to develop to enable and manage performance in the #newnormal?
How do we redefine performance parameters and standards?
How does one drive culture in the post covid-19 era?
Are organizations really equipped to accomplish this?
Reach out to us at hello@effilor.com
for actionable insights and explore how we can help you get ahead