Orchestrating a Learnability Transformation
Effilor undertook extensive research covering over 50+ organizations to understand the real and persistent challenges that organizations face in making learning effective. We put out a detailed report highlighting the key issues and shared some of our insights and experiences that would enable organizations to orchestrate a learning transformation.
To deep dive into the research findings, share the top challenges and discuss on some of the potential options and mindset shifts required to making learning effective and sustainable, Effilor conducted a very engaging and insightful webinar on gaining “Orchestrating a Learning Transformation” on 13th October '21.
Effilor experts in collaboration with select industry leaders analyzed and deliberated on various ways in which learning can be made more effective in organizations.

Download the report here
Key takeaways from the session

Key Insights
Tighter integration of individual learning demands with overall organizational learning design
Teaching people how to learn again
Role to Talent Mapping from a future proofing focus
Use AI to identify and predict the skill adjacencies

Key Insights
Putting the learner in the center of learning and enable them with multi-modes and channels to learn (focus on purpose, ease of access, learning needs, etc.)
Cohort based learning – learning with a peer group of community generates a lot of ‘pull’
Embed learning as part of job profile – split time into 2 buckets: delivery + learning. The percentages vary based on expertise and organizational demand.

Key Insights
Clarity & definition of the intent of learning helps in aligning meaning and purpose of individual aspirations v/s organizational expectations
Learning in the ‘flow of work’ – assess applicability of learning by focusing on performance improvement
Learning in the ‘flow of career’ – persona based learning journeys – tied to not only their current work but also future aspirations

Key Insights
70-20-10 model of learning (70% on the job, 20% through networking & interactions, 10% formal learning)
Cohort based hybrid learning where peers work together to learn alongside each other as well as from each other
Include Consultative Coaching in all learning interventions (online as well as facilitated) – to guide and mentor application of learning at work

Key Insights
Leading Learning from the top – leaders step up & learn + sharing their experiences
Internalize Learning – focus on driving Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose within individuals
Align Performance Mgmt. (purpose) with Career pathways (meaning) - Any cultural change requires hard measures to be place first to enable softer elements of mindsets, behaviors & norms to follow through.
Thank you panelists (Raj Dharmaraj and Vikram Peddakotla) and participants for making the webinar a success.
Reach out to us at hello@effilor.com
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